20 November 2019

Things I Wish I'd Known: Writing is Not As Sedentary An Activity As You Might Think

J.S. has embarked on a series of, roughly monthly, guest blog posts called "Things I Wish I'd Known". Post number four, "Writing is Not As Sedentary An Activity As You Might Think", is now available to read on the Meier Writers site. You can read it for free by clicking here

Check back here, or direct on the Meier Writers blog, about this time next month (or maybe a wee bit earlier) for the next post in the series - it will have a festive feel to it.

10 November 2019


J.S.Watts has a piece of Sci Fi flash fiction in issue 17 of the Writer's Cafe Magazine, Masks. You can read The Story Teller for free online by clicking here, but you will need to scroll down quite a way to find out whether the tales the story teller tells are real or not.

3 November 2019